Saturday, April 19, 2008

Rubber,Metal and Glass

Here is something I read that makes a lot of sense to me, wondering if it makes sense to anyone else.

Tim Sanders—former chief solutions officer at Yahoo! and author of Love Is the Killer App—shares the following thought about establishing priorities:

Take your life and all the things that you think are important, and put them in one of three categories. These three categories are represented by three items: glass, metal, and rubber.

The things that are made of rubber, when you drop them, will bounce back. Nothing really happens when these kinds of things get dropped. So, for instance (and I enjoy sporting events, so don't take me wrong here), if I miss a Seahawks' game, my life will bounce along real fine. It doesn't change anything and nothing is lost—my missing a game or a season of football will not alter my marriage or my spiritual life. I can take 'em or leave 'em.

Things that are made of metal, when they get dropped, create a lot of noise. But you can recover from the drop. You miss a meeting at work, you can get the cliff notes. Or if you forget to balance your checkbook and lose track of how much you have in your account, and the bank notifies you that you have been spending more than you have—that's going to create a little bit of noise in your life, but you can recover from it.

Then there are things made of glass. And when you drop one of these, it will shatter into pieces and never be the same. Even though you can piece it back together, it will still be missing some pieces. It certainly won't look the same, and I doubt that you could actually fill it up with water, because the consequences of it be being broken will forever affect how it's used.

The thing is, you're the only person who knows what those things are that you can't afford to drop. More than likely, they have a lot to do with your faith,friends,family and school-work.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Broken Headphones

I only have a few minutes so I will probably post a more in-depth post later in the day, but for now this will do.

I hate headphones. I really do. I lose them, and break them like crazy. If there is one thing I wish I could take better care of, headphones is definately it.

I was listening to a podcast from "The Village" church in Dallas this morning. When I rolled up my headphones before class, i somehow broke them. Granted these were cheap headphones I ordered from Hong Kong... I still haven't been able to finish the last half of the sermon, which was over Grace.

It is a good one so far. I suggest you listen to it, and let me know what you think. I would still love to find someone that listens to pod casts and talk about them with him or her.

Still lacking comments in this blog, which sucks. That is all.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

What a weekend

This weekend was the Maroon and Gold game, and man was it a blast. I tailgated with ASG, and also stopped by the T Association tent. It was really a good time. Louis Brown and Nathaniel Gold... man those two are characters.

Today I went to see some of my friends on the Ultimate team play some pretty tough games. Some came out on top, but some didn't. It had me thinking the entire time. 

It made me think about being competitive. What kinds of actions or things were deemed competitive or competitions in the Bible? 

I came home, and started researching, and instead of re-hashing out everything I looked at. Here is a link.

I am a pretty competitive person, when I am doing things that I think (or would like to think) I am above average at. I wouldn't consider Ultimate one of these things, maybe CRU ultimate but not like the buckets play. I consider myself competitive in a few things I can think of right away.

Video Games (sports games)

Baseball Mogul

Fantasy Baseball

Sports Knowledge (especially baseball)

They all have to do with sports in some form or fashion. I started thinking about how I know sports and enjoy sports so much. I enjoy spending three hours watching a baseball game. I enjoy tailgaiting at the Maroon and Gold game hours before the game. Why do I not enjoy spending time in the word, and with the Lord that much? I mean yes I do at times, but why do I fail at this sometimes? I can't think of a time EVER in my life when I have though "Man I don't want to watch sports, have anything to do with sports, or am too busy to watch a game on TV or in person." Yet on the other hand, when something bad happens, or I get hurt I find myself not wanting anything to do with this guy that died for me.

It is without a doubt an absolutely crazy thought... That I am too tired, or busy, or upset that I don't want to spend time with him. I mean I will never stop believing in him, so please don't think that my belief in the Lord is an on/off switch. It is more of a lack of willingness to commit to the relationship that I have with him, which can be said also for relationships with my friends.

I am done for today. Yesterdays post was totally emo, and I apologize for that.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Spread Thin

I am spread thin everywhere I look.

My time is spread so thin, free time is often hard to come by.

I am spread thin in relationships, and dont know where to go, what to do or who to spend time with.

I don't know who to turn to, and it stinks.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Done being way too busy

It has been way too long since my last post. I promised myself I was going to try to post everyday. I guess this is my first big failure to do that. I am sure it won't be the last, but hopefully I can limit these times where I can't find minutes in my day to blog.

I have been incredibly busy with my life, which as most things are, has its positives and negatives.

The positives are that I have totally thrown myself into work and school. I have made some pretty decent grades, but there have been a couple of bad ones thrown in there. Another positive is that I believe I am making strides and connections professionally. Hopefully I will soon be paid in the athletic deparment. It obviously won't be much, but anything is better than zero which is what I am making now.

Along with this is that I think I am finally getting respected by people. I have so many ideas and programs that I want to start within the athletic department to take us to the next level. I need guidance though, and need more than just myself pushing for projects.

Although there has been a lot of positives, there have been negatives. I still have no direction in life. I don't know where I am going or what I am doing. I know where I would like to go, but no doors have swung wide open for me to do them. I will continue to lead on Christ for direction,guidance, opportunities, and a deeper understanding of him to take into any workplace.

I had a very good lunch today with Michael Vaughn, who I consider to be one of my closest friends. He might actually be the closest. He knows me. He knows where I am right now, what I've dealt with before, and what I am dealing with now. It was a very good lunch, and I hope that we have more in the future. We haven't been as close and I would have liked to be this semester, and I am to blame for that. I get so busy, and so involved in everything that I don't often take time out for friendships. That has been the biggest negative of all.

I am done being way too busy. I am back so expect daily posts!