I missed posting yesterday, my bad. I actually thought about it at about 12:15 but it would have counted for today, so I waited until now.
And I still don't have a whole lot to talk about.
The spurs let me down tonight, I can't quit thinking about the game.
I just realized how caught up in sports we get. If I knew half the stuff about the bible as I did about sports, I would be in pretty good shape.
I mean really does it matter in the grand scheme of things that I can list you the starting lineups, or even benches of some professional sports teams? It's absolutely absurd once you really think about it.
I saw the movie "21" today. I was hoping for better, but not bad for $1.50. There was a line in there, that you might have heard before, but that I thought was kind of interesting:
"Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery."
Isn't that the truth? I mean I can't help what happened yesterday, or last week, last month,last year, but what I can change is tomorrow. I can change the way I live my life and hope that daily I get closer and closer to living the life Jesus Christ has laid out for me and figuring out this mystery called Christianity.
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