Sunday, March 9, 2008

New Beginnings And A Clean Slate

I have talked about this before, and written about it in my journal before,but I love the idea and reality of new beginnings. It doesn't matter to me if its a new day, a new week, a new month, a new year, a new job, a new friendship. I love to have my slate wiped clean. I like that feeling that whatever happened in the past is simply that, the past. There is nothing I can do to change it, and even if I could I probably wouldn't because my life wouldn't be what it is today, if I was able to re-do things. New beginnings are great.

I will be a very good place spiritually, when all of a sudden something happens that throws everything out of order. I then begin to sulk in my own sin, while I doubt myself and if God has indeed done anything in my life, and question how I can screw up everything he has given me.

Then a new beginning occurs. A new day comes, a new song is heard, a new friendship is made, that really just puts things back into perspective and gets me back on track.

Life is going to have its ups and downs, there is absolutely no question about that. What is absolute though is that a new beginning will occur, but do not rely on it. That is often where I fail. I say well today I can do this, because tomorrow is a new start, a clean slate. That isn't how it works, but a lot of the time that is my thought process.

So do not rely on that clean slate, but instead do everything that you can do to keep it clean.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So this is how you spend your free time...
